Sunday, 4 August 2013

At last

Well today I have downloaded Chrome. Lots of people have told me that my old browser just wasn't cutting it. I don't think much of it, really preferred my old IE8. This doesn't have half the features of my old one & I knew where everything was. I don't like change.

But at least I can post again now.

So the other day we both had a bath, not together our bath isn't big enough. But we both had fun drying off in the sun and it made us both feel much cooler.

The Goblin cleans up well

Very tiring having a bath

I'm always a good girl

I am very beautiful too

A real Princess


  1. Bath NOOOOOOO! Glad all is OK now. You'll get use to Google Chrome. Have a serene Sunday. Go for the big easy today.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Hi Fizz,

    Long time no woof! I've just been catching up with your posts...and meeting Goblin! So adorable! :-) I'm sorry to hear about the Campylobacter Sickie though - how horrible! Glad it seems to be all better now.

    And yuck - I HATE baths!! :-( I thought you were both very good about it. My humans wash me in the bathtub, which I just barely fit in - hee! hee! The only good thing about being a Dane with such a short, single coat is that I dry in about 10mins! ;-)

    Honey the Great Dane

  3. hey my princess, sorry to have been offline so long. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and i agree a real Princess-Queen. The Goblin does clean up nicely. oh yes! i do hope everyone is feeling better~ i hate it when my best friends are not up to par.

    however, you and the goblin are so beautiful after that bath tell mummy i said you should get to sleep with her now!
    woof, licks, bark, slobbers and a great big gigantic hug!

  4. Splish, splash, I was takin' a bath
    Long about a Saturday night, yeah
    A rub dub, just relaxin' in the tub....
    --Raelyn and Rose
